There are many topics that interest me, but two of them are programming language (PL) designs and algorithm optimization.

I've done several projects where I've implemented small langauges or added more features to a language. I wrote interpreters and compilers for features such as multiple return values, or function calls with rest parameters.

I also have some experience with the theoretical side of PL design, such as finite state machines, which are mathematical computations used to simulate sequential logic, and lambda calculus, a formal system for simulating function application.

Although one of the hardest topics for me to understand, I am most fascinated by this area. I was first exposed to the P vs. NP problem in my "Intro to Algorithms" class, and the idea of an entire class of problems being solvable in polynomial time with non-deterministic algorithms was extremely intriguing. I also took an advanced algorithms class, where I learned about concepts such as dynamic programming, network flows, NP reductions and NP-completeness, and approximation algorithms.